Clubs & Forums

Student Nurse Association

Established in spring 1972, the Student Nurses Association is comprised of nursing majors and those interested in the profession of Nursing. SNA works to provide opportunity for personal, intellectual, professional and social growth of its members. Much of this is incorporated into health information and services that are provided to the campus and community.


  • SNA election is conducted every year offices bearers was selected to represents the students.
  • Once in four month meeting was conducted.
  • All our students are registered as SNA member.

Nurses Association of India(TNAI)

The traned Nurses Association oF India established 1908 107 Glorious years of association moving ahead with commitment and dedication…


  • The trained Nurses’ Association of India (TNAI) is a national organization of nurse professionals at different levels. It was established in 1908 and was initially known as association of Nursing Superintendents.
  • The Government of India has recognized TNAI as a service organization in 1950. A similar recognition by all the State Governments has been an asset to the promotion of its objectives.
  • Foundation stone for TNAI headquarters inaugurated by Smt. Indira Gandhi laid by Dr. S Radhakrishnan


Upholding every way the

  • Dignity and honour of the nursing profession.
  • Promoting a sense of espirit de corps among all nurses.
  • To advance professional, educational, economic and general welfare of nurses.


  • To enunciate standards of Nursing Education and implement these through appropriate channels.
  • To establish standards and qualifications for nursing practice.
  • To enunciate standards of Nursing Service and implement these through appropriate channels.
  • To establish a code of ethical conduct for practitioners.
  • To stimulate and promote research designed to enhance
  • To stimulate and promote research designed to enhance the knowledge for evidence-based nursing practice.
  • To promote legislation and to speak for Nurses in regard to legislative action.
  • To promote and protect the economic welfare of Nurses.
  • To provide professional counseling and placement service for Nurses.
  • To provide for the continuing professional development of practitioners.
  • To represent Nurses and serve as their spoke person with allied national and international organisations, governmental and other bodies and the public.
  • To serve as the official representative of the Nurses of India as a member of the International Council of Nurses.
  • To promote the general health and welfare of the public through the Association programmes, relationships and activities e.g. Disaster Management.
  • To render care as per the changing needs of the society.


A life member is a person who is a registered Nurse and Midwife (equivalent of midwifery training in case of male nurse), trained from an institution recognized by the Indian Nursing Council/State Nursing Council and holds a certificate of training issued by a Nursing Registration Council or Board of Examinations recognized by the Indian Nursing Council.

Youth Red Cross

The Indian Red Cross Society is a voluntary, humanitarian organization, established by an act of the Indian Legislation in 1920, having on its rolls the States, the Union Territories, the Districts and the Sub-District branches. Its activities are being directed forward to the “Prevention of Diseases, Improvement of Health and Mitigation of Suffering.” The Indian Red Cross Society realized the importance of the youth way back in1925 and established the Junior Red Cross (JRC) in schools and Youth Red Cross (YRC) in colleges.


Informing youth members and others the roles and responsibilities of the Red Cross and encourage them to contribute. An awareness on the care of their own health and that of others.


  • To inculcate national integration in the Youth of our country.
  • An awareness on the care of their own health and that of others.
  • The understanding and acceptance of civic responsibilities and acting accordingly with humanitarian concern, to fulfill the same.