Youth Red Cross

The Indian Red Cross Society is a voluntary, humanitarian organization, established by an act of the Indian Legislation in 1920, having on its rolls the States, the Union Territories, the Districts and the Sub-District branches. Its activities are being directed forward to the “Prevention of Diseases, Improvement of Health and Mitigation of Suffering.” The Indian Red Cross Society realized the importance of the youth way back in1925 and established the Junior Red Cross (JRC) in schools and Youth Red Cross (YRC) in colleges.


Informing youth members and others the roles and responsibilities of the Red Cross and encourage them to contribute. An awareness on the care of their own health and that of others.


  • To inculcate national integration in the Youth of our country.
  • An awareness on the care of their own health and that of others.
  • The understanding and acceptance of civic responsibilities and acting accordingly with humanitarian concern, to fulfill the same.